Dick Deck
Thank you for purchasing Dick Deck and supporting our small business! Here's a few of our favourite cocky game ideas...

Aim: Don't be the one caught out with dirty dick, else you'll be off down the clinic.
Players: 3-8
Game length: 15-20 mins
Rules: ➊ Remove the Jokers and the Aces, apart from Ace of Hearts (AKA Dirty Dick of Hearts). Deal the remaining cards out among the players. Any pairs of cards can bediscarded. ➋ Hold your cards fanned out infront of you and keep them hidden from other players throughout the game. ➌ Player 1 (to the left of the dealer) starts and chooses one card from the dealer’s set. ➍ If the card now makes a matching pair, this pair is now discarded. The next player to the left, Player 2, now selects a card from Player 1. ➎ Play continues around the circle. A player is out when they have discarded all of their cards. The last card left will be Dirty Dick, and the player holding it at the end is the looooser!
Aim: Find matching pairs of willies.
Players: 2-6
Game length: 10-20 mins
Rules: ➊ Spread out all of the cards face down on the table. ➋ Take it in turns to turn over two cards to find a matching pair. ➌ The player with the most pairs is crowned the winner. (Or should we say… the wiener?)
Luckily each of these fabulous phalluses is super memorable in their own right, from the majestic Pretty Penis to the sweet, shy little Chubby Choad. Awww.

Aim: Snap… but with dicks.
Players: 2-4
Game length: 5-10 mins
Rules: ➊ Divide the dick, ahem, deck, equally between players. Hold them all face down in your hand. ➋ Take it in turns to turn over a card in place it in the middle of the table. ➌ If a card matches the one below it, be the first to place your hand over it and shout "DICK" to win all of the cards on the table. ➍ Continue until one player has all the dicks in their hands!
Turn it into a drinking game - miss a snap, take a shot.
Aim: Decide whether to stick or twist the dick you've been dealt. Got the lowest one? You're out!
Players: 4-10
Game length: 10-20 mins
Rules: ➊ Deal one card face down to every player. ➋ Player 1, to the left of the dealer, looks at their card and decides whether to "stick" with that dick, or "swap" it with Player 2 on their left. ➌ Player 2 then has the same decision to make. Play then continue around the circle until it's the dealers turn. They can either "stick" or cut the pack. ➍ Whoever ends up with the smallest number (Ace is low) is out of the game. Repeat rounds with a new player becoming dealer, until it's down to two players and you get a winner!

Aim: We've put a cheeky spin on the classic game of ring of fire.
Players: 3-15
Game length: 60 mins
Rules: Grab an empty cup and surround it with a circle of cards. Take it turns to pick up a card. Here's what each cards means...
2. Old Todger – There once was a time... (Start a story and add a bit on. Whoever gets it wrong – drink!)
3. Chubby Choad – Blow your load (You drink!)
4. Sleepy Dick – Drop to the floor (Slowest one drinks)
5. Wet Willy – Say something silly (Choose any word, everyone has to rhyme with it, or drinks)
6. Angry Knob – Lads on the job (Males drink)
7. Mushroom Top – Out you flop (Pretend you’ve got a cock with your finger, last one to notice and copy you, drinks!)
8. The Business – Question time (Ask a random question to someone, they must then ask you or someone else a question. Keep going until someone laughs, panics, answers or repeats a question. They then drink)
9. Dangly Dong – Song (Hum a song. Whoever guesses it correctly first, can pick someone to drink)
10. Pretty Penis – Compliments (Give everyone in the circle a compliment. If you can’t, you drink)
J. Colossal Cock – Girls Rock (Females drink)
Q. Super Shlong – Punch the air (And shout "Super Shlong". Last one, drinks)
K. Prince Albert – Hazzah! (Everyone else shouts "Hazzah!" And drinks to you)
A. Dirty Dick – Don’t be sick (Add to the cup in the middle, if you get the final one, you drink the dirty contents)